Ministry : The Call to Serve as a Servant

When we think of ministry, many of us often think of preaching, leading worship, or teaching Sunday school. While these are certainly important aspects of ministry, they are only a small part of what it truly means to serve in ministry. To truly understand the essence of ministry, we must first understand the concept of being a servant.

In the Bible, Jesus consistently modeled a life of service to others. He came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28). This is the example that we, as Christians, are called to follow. To be in ministry is to be in a position of servanthood, to serve others in the same way that Jesus served us.

A servant is someone who puts the needs of others before their own. This type of selflessness can be seen in the life of Jesus, who washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17). This act of servanthood was a radical one, as it was typically performed by the lowliest of servants. By washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus was showing them the importance of serving others, even in the smallest ways.

Being a servant also means that we are to be obedient to the will of God. This is seen in the life of Paul, who proclaimed that he was a servant of Christ (Romans 1:1). Paul understood that his purpose was to do the will of God, no matter what that might entail. He was willing to endure suffering and persecution for the sake of the gospel, because he knew that it was God’s will for him.

Another aspect of servanthood is humility. A servant does not seek to elevate themselves, but rather seeks to bring others up. This can be seen in the life of Mary, who chose the better part by sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His teaching (Luke 10:39). Mary understood that the most important thing was to be close to Jesus and to learn from Him.

In conclusion, whichever form of ministry you are assigned to, remember, to be in ministry is to be a servant. It means putting the needs of others before our own, being obedient to the will of God, and being humble. When we serve in this way, we follow the example set by Jesus and we bring glory to God. As we serve, let us remember that we are not merely servants of people, but servants of Christ (Ephesians 6:6).


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